Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dreamy Wednesdays...on Thursday

A Dream within a dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allan Poe
I believe that re-kindling my dreams from my dream journal has kicked my today dreams up a notch. I had two strange dreams last night, though neither are this one.
This is one of the most odd, detailed dreams I have ever had. It is, in fact, a dream inside a dream:
I dreamt that I was waking up in a bed (my parents bed) with some guy (a scruffy face, a bald head, then hair, the a bald head again). Laying there in bed, I was holding him and kissing him and he turned over to face me and we started kissing again, but we heard people coming into the room so we stopped.
My brother walked through the room and into the bathroom and shut the door. Then a friend but I don't know who was standing there talking to me and to the guy...he got out of bed, but I proceeded to tell my friend about a dream I had:
"I was at work but I was really tired and I couldn't keep my eyes open. So, instead of sitting down to lunch, I was going to go for a walk. Then, I was on the Nazareth Campus, but it didn't look anything like it and I couldn't get back to the dorm. There was a yellow and green smooshy track around the tennis courts that I remember stepping on and wanting to run on. But, I was trying to get back to O'Connor (dorm at Nazareth). I cut through Medaille (another dorm at Nazareth), but I then went to Smyth hall even though it wasn't the way. Then I went into a big main building (I turn to guy during this recount of the dream 'cause he knows the campus. He smiles and nods his head, his arms crossed in front of him). The main building was big and had a 'capital' feel to it. I was wandering around there when I woke up"
Guy looks at me with enticement, adoration, and smiles. I look toward the bathroom where my brother is and wonder what he is still doing in there.
Obvious friend asks when we are going to get going to the zoo. I lean off the bed head first and hang there talking to her about time. My tank top falls, exposing my stomach. Guy reaches in passing and pulls it back down.
Obvious friend leaves. Guy gets back on the bed and starts holding me again. I kiss his bald head several times and look him in the eye. We are both getting aroused again, but I protest, exclaiming that my brother is still in the bathroom.
I wake up.
That is one doozy of a dream. I couldn't possibly make something like that up...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Vacation as Dictated by Me Myself at the Age of Eight

There is something so endearing about hearing a child talk about their vacation. They remember the most random things that sometimes seem trivial compared to the big picture. They go to Disney World for the first time and all they can talk about is seeing the elephant pooping at Animal Kingdom. It is very honest.

Well, I went to the Adirondacks on my vacation.

On Monday my friend Sam and I climbed a mountain. I hit my leg on a stump and it bleeded. There was a green bug on my arm. I smooshed it. I had to pee in the bushes because there wasn't a bathroom on the top of the mountain.

I ate two green apple Jolly Ranchers, and Sam liked the watermelon ones. I don't like watermelon anything!
On Tuesday we climbed another mountain. It was called Blue mountain but it wasn't blue. I got out of breath and there were girls up there holding hands. I climbed the stairs up the tower. My sister picked up a red salamander. It took more than forever to walk down the blue mountain. I thought we would never get to the car but then we did. I was the sweatiest I had ever been before, but Cody used the air conditioner in the car.

On Wednesday it was the 4th of July. It rained. I bought Jelly Bellys and Sam spit out a melon flavored one. We went to a store that had lots of stuff in it and I bought a book.

Even though it rained a lot, my dad still cooked on the grill. We ate hamburgers and hot dogs, but I didn't. I ate a chik pattie.

We saw the fireworks but it was raining. One of the fireworks was a circle. I like the ones that make sounds.

My favorite part of my vacation was when the ducks and the gooses came near us. We fed them Cheerios and bread. There were nine baby ducks! We counted them! There were only two baby gooses, but they were bigger than the ducks.
Sometimes, the big goose made a hissing sound and stuck out his tongue. I wasn't suppose to go near goose because they are mean and will hurt your finger with the beak.
When the ducks pooped, you could see it floating in the water.